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Each post has a little story attached to it that relates to the music. I've posted some tracks without stories if you just want to listen to some music; use the player at the bottom of the page. Wheeee~~~!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
videogame rubbish + cut up queen
"I pray that the positive change in south africa continues, and that the government officials are doing their best -b-b-b-b-b-b-best i'm sure." - said the Queen of England.
God bless ya 'liz.
Cut up queen -->
Video game rubbish -->
Is this about a videotape, a board game and a bucket of rubbish? or is it a discussion about the frankly (Frank-y?) pedestrian rubbish that videogames are becoming?
Ha! "pedestrian". Love that word.
Yay! Donnie Darko sample!
Musical commentary: Messy stuttering madness. Lots of buffer stutter plugins played live on street-pedaling-gerkin mongers. Fishmonger monger monger. I'm utterly serious.
'Cut up queen' rocks, oops i mean violently shakes my boat to pieces!
My heart beat actually goes to a rhythm like this > ToP STuFF, nom nom nom...
james has currently got his little white mouth around my COCK!!!!!!!
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