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Each post has a little story attached to it that relates to the music. I've posted some tracks without stories if you just want to listen to some music; use the player at the bottom of the page. Wheeee~~~!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Tear down walls [+/-] EXPAND/HIDE SONG INFO

I found a website containing an audio diary of a guy who went to Nicaragua to build houses for a war-torn village, sort of like a redevelopment plan.

The story was fascinating, the compelling words on the website inspired me to create a track called "Tear down walls" (with reference to the tearing down of cultural barriers) - I thought why not use the speech from the audio diary?

Right at the point where he says "22 conversion decisions" - 22 multitracked voices from blended together to make a buzzing swarming cloud of vocal noises are thrown into the mix...

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